Drug News |

Club drug safety needed Covington County has more than its fair share of illegal drug use and abuse, which ...
Meth tightens toxic grip on girls Sitting in a circle in a basement classroom at the Turning Point girls' residence, five ...
ECSTASY DEPLETES BRAIN OF MOOD CHEMICAL Using the recreational drug Ecstasy reduces the amount of a brain chemical that controls mood, ...
Ecstasy side effects 'not minor' The effects of the drug ecstasy cannot be dismissed as minor, according to an intensive ...
Italy's Docs Failing to Report Adverse Drug Side Effects FLORENCE (Reuters Health) - Many Italian doctors are not reporting on adverse reactions in patients, ...
OxyContin's deadly side effects Health professionals warn Western Michigan University students about the dangers of a new drug that's ...
Mother of two withdrawals from meth in jail cell HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. - The physical withdrawal from methamphetamine wasn't so bad. It was knowing what ...
Panhandle woman gets 10 years for hubby's honeymoon drug death SHALIMAR -- A bride has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for the honeymoon ...
Drug Facts

The study found that, compared to the nonusers, heavy ecstasy users had significant impairments in visual and verbal memory.
Darvocet produces psychological and physical dependence like other narcotics, and treatment for Darvocet addiction is much the same.
Pharmacologically, ritalin works on the neurotransmitter dopamine, and in that respect resembles the stimulant characteristics of cocaine.
The designer drug "Ecstasy," or MDMA, causes long-lasting damage to brain areas that are critical for thought and memory, according to new research findings in the June 15 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience.
Side Effects 
The chemical
cocaine hydrochloride is commonly known as crack. Some users chemically process
cocaine in order to remove the hydrochloride. This process is called "freebasing"
and makes the drug more potent. "Crack" is a solid form of freebased
cocaine. Crack addiction is one of society's greatest problems today. Individuals
addicted to crack will do almost anything to get the drug. It has penetrated
all levels of our society, rich, poor, and everyone in between. Family members
connected to crack addicts live in chaos and confusion. Not understanding the
underlying mechanics of cocaine addiction.
Crack side
effects include but are not limited to:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Anxiety
- Convulsions
- Insomnia
- Loss of appetite
leading to malnutrition and weight loss
- Cold sweats
- Swelling and bleeding
of mucous membranes
- Restlessness and
- Damage to nasal
- Damage to lungs
- Possible heart
attacks, strokes, or convulsions
is inhaled and rapidly absorbed through the lungs, into the blood, and
carried swiftly to the brain. The chances of overdosing and poisoning
leading to coma, convulsions, and death are greatly increased. Crack's
rapid rush-5 to 7 minutes of intense pleasure- quickly subsides, leading
to depression that needs to be relieved by more crack. This cycle enhances
the chances of addiction and dependency. Because of the brief high, users
are constantly thinking about and devising ways to get more crack. Psychologically,
the drug reduces concentration, ambition, and drive, and increases confusion
and irritability, wreaking havoc on users' professional and personal lives.
Habitual use may lead to cocaine psychosis, causing paranoia, hallucinations,
and a condition known as formication, in which insects or snakes are perceived
to be crawling under the skin. The paranoia and depression can instigate
violent and suicidal behavior. The side effects of adulterants increase
cocaine's risks. The drug is often cut with one or more of any number
of other substances, such as the cheaper drugs procaine, lidocaine, and
benzocaine, and substances that pose no serious risks, such as sugars
(mannitol and sucrose), or starches. However, when quinine or amphetamines
are added, the potential for serious side effects increases dramatically.
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