Drug News |

Club drug safety needed Covington County has more than its fair share of illegal drug use and abuse, which ...
Meth tightens toxic grip on girls Sitting in a circle in a basement classroom at the Turning Point girls' residence, five ...
ECSTASY DEPLETES BRAIN OF MOOD CHEMICAL Using the recreational drug Ecstasy reduces the amount of a brain chemical that controls mood, ...
Ecstasy side effects 'not minor' The effects of the drug ecstasy cannot be dismissed as minor, according to an intensive ...
Italy's Docs Failing to Report Adverse Drug Side Effects FLORENCE (Reuters Health) - Many Italian doctors are not reporting on adverse reactions in patients, ...
OxyContin's deadly side effects Health professionals warn Western Michigan University students about the dangers of a new drug that's ...
Mother of two withdrawals from meth in jail cell HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. - The physical withdrawal from methamphetamine wasn't so bad. It was knowing what ...
Panhandle woman gets 10 years for hubby's honeymoon drug death SHALIMAR -- A bride has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for the honeymoon ...
Drug Facts

One of the most detrimental side effectst of heroin, is heroin addiction itself.
Morphine is a narcotic analgesic. Morphine was first isolated from opium in 1805 by a German pharmacist, Wilhelm Sert�rner.
Darvocet produces psychological and physical dependence like other narcotics, and treatment for Darvocet addiction is much the same.
Pharmacologically, ritalin works on the neurotransmitter dopamine, and in that respect resembles the stimulant characteristics of cocaine.
Drug Side Effects

Drug addiction and abuse
is an ever increasing epidemic spreading throughout our country. Individuals
are abusing not only street drugs such as heroin, cocaine, crack, meth and
marijuana but prescription drugs as well including Valium, Percocet, Hydrocodone,
OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax and Ritalin. Drug addiction and abuse comes with
a heavy price. There are drastic side effects associated with their misuse
and abuse. Side effects from these drugs range from mild itching to comas
and death. In addition to the physical side effects mentioned, there are many
physociological side effects of drug use; the most serious being drug addiction.
When using drugs, be it legal or illegal, it is important for indiciduals
to know the posible side effects. This information can help in preventing
overdoseage, medical complications, as well as provide information on any
changes that you or someone you know may be experiencing due to drug use or
abuse. We know that the side effects of drug addiction and abuse can be extremely
difficult to endure. If you or someone you care for are experiencing the side
effects of drug addiction or abuse, We can help.
Here are just a few
examples of drug side effects listed in this site:
side effects: Restlessness and anxiety, Damage to nasal cavities, Nausea,
Vomiting, Anxiety
side effects: Infection of heart lining and valves, Arthritis and other
rheumatologic problems, Infectious diseases (for example, HIV/AIDS and
hepatitis B and C)
side effects: Emotional dependence, Exaggerated feeling of depression, Mood
changes, Nausea & vomiting, Rash, Restlessness
side effects: Visual hallucinations, Auditory hallucinations (hearing "voices"),
Suicidal tendencies, Aggression, Suspiciousness, Severe paranoia
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